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Digital Web Designer and Developer currently based in Kerala - india

Hello, I am Surya, a designer from Wayanad, Kerla. Currently working as an independent Full-stack Developer

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I enjoy working with clients, and helping them find new layers of beautiful design, form and functionality. I like to go over each requirement, and refine my work , making sure that my client recieves the best output that they deserve.

portrait of SuryaBbrj

Highly Econiomic Static Webpages

I can help you set up a nice static webpage to showcase your product/endoresement with minimal development cost! cause, hey, let's get real we have to learn to walk before we run sometimes. And cost-effective stati webpages are the best way to try and setup your first website and to test out its performance

Web Applications

Be it a start-up, or a million dollar conglomerate, there will come a time when we have to rely on some sort of programs for some functionality, what better way than to go than "Web-Apps" the future of end consumer application, that is growing at a pace never seen before in the tech industry. And I can create any web Application of your choice, to help boost your productivity, or provide new functionality to your old outdated website by integrating new features.

Highly Responsive Artful designer Webpages

With my vast experience, i can help you set up a visual treat of a website, that is sure to boost your endevour's status immensely, in this internet driven world. That'll look, feel and function seamlessly across all of your devices, may it be a phone, tablet or pc.

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Frameworks at your disposal with my service

these are the current web development frameworks that I use for all of my projects.

MongoDB | Mongoose
responsive design example

Self-Taught and Driven with passion

These are some of the clients I’ve been lucky to work with over the years: